Search Engine Optimization & Performance tuning for your Joomla website

Video: Joomla slow? Speed it up in 5 minutes!

Last week I did a presentation on Joomla SEO & Performance in Utrecht, and through lack of time I was forced to do the performance presentation at lightning speed, leaving me gasping afterwards. However, we managed to go through the whole presentation, including a demo, in 15-20 minutes.

This got me thinking that it would be nice to create a short video with the most crucial tips and publish it on Youtube. I just created it, in just a few seconds over 5 minutes, demonstrating how to take a slow website with long loading and low grades could be improved quite a bit: PageSpeed grade from 30 to 77 and loading time from 5.6 to 3.1 seconds.

Check it out here:

By the way, if you need to know a bit more about the JCH plugin, I've done a video on that as well.

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